22 May 2007

what message are the whales sending?

Editor -- One can only wonder what the message may be in this unprecedented whale visit. The timing exquisitely coincides with the gathering of scientists and international policy-makers at the International Whaling Commission meeting in Anchorage next week. As we witness the beauty, grace and mystery of "Delta" and "Dawn,'' we must realize that this international organization is within a vote or two of allowing the resumption of commercial whaling -- led by Japan, Norway and Iceland.

We ask: What can we do? Will the damage and injury done by some manmade machinery and other human obstacles lead to the whales' demise? This is not just a question for the whales in the Sacramento River, but a global question that we, as citizens, must address. The fate of the world's whales lies in the hands of the United States (and other) governments. The issues of global warming and depletion of food sources will linger. But officials at the IWC meeting can vote to ban all whaling. For more information, contact Sea Sanctuary at (650) 322-6311.

Executive Director
Sea Sanctuary, Inc.
Palo Alto

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Editor -- I don't know why the press hasn't come up with the correct names for the whales -- they are George and Condi: up a creek without a paddle, completely lost and over their heads, going in circles, blowing off steam and they clearly have no exit strategy.


…from today's San Francisco Chronicle Letters to the Editor.

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