01 December 2009

Chimpanzee Information: Non-Human Primates, Chimpanzees and Monkeys Used In Research

Chimpanzee Information: Non-Human Primates, Chimpanzees and Monkeys Used In Research:

"The numbers of nonhuman primates used in research has gradually increased in the last decade and significantly exceeds the numbers of nonhuman primates used when the USDA first began to record numbers of animals utilized in research. In 1973, the first year for which records were kept, 42,298 nonhuman primates were used, and in 2006, the latest year for which records are available, 62,315 were used. These figures do not take into account the nonhuman primates used for breeding. In addition, 47% of nonhuman primates, some 29,000 individuals, were subjected to painful and distressful experiments in 2006."

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